Major revision vs minor revision. A 16-bit signed integer.
Major revision vs minor revision Pharma; Researcher Services; English Editing; Learning Lab Menu Toggle. major revision이나, minor revision이면 리뷰어의 심사에 따라 논문을 수정해서 보내야 한다. 4. This feedback leads to the next key step: revising your manuscript. The vast majority of minor revisions are ultimately accepted for publication, while many more major revisions are later found unacceptable and rejected. Contrary to popular belief, these revisions aren’t a sign of inefficiency or a gap in understanding between client and designer. ). One recommended major revision, two recommended minor revision, and one recommended acceptance. revisions are bug fixes or tweaks, minor are additions and changes that don't break existing APIs or behavior, major breaks API or adds features that change how the existing version works. Roughly five were accept without revision. Contents The meaning of a 'desk-rejected' paperWhat to do if your paper is desk-rejectedThe meaning of 'revise and Apr 24, 2018 · This discussion is also important for understanding the likely amount of effort required to get the manuscript accepted. Feb 28, 2014 · Under such a system there would be a major. Dec 3, 2018 · How to create a SOLIDWORKS PDM Revision Numbering System for major and minor revisions. Especially if you are unsure about how to formulate your feedback. A0, A1, B0, B1, etc. 7 version of the product. These revisions accumulate and may result in a new version of the text, such as the second edition of a book. First you will see how to enable Feb 28, 2019 · Minor revisions - the best you can hope for after the first round of review Major revisions - the decision we received in this case Reject – clearly, the one you want to avoid; Editors are most likely to write back to you after initial review and recommend either ‘minor revisions’ or ‘major revisions’ to your paper. 2 of my papers came back as major revisions but it took maybe 2 hours of editing grammer and spelling to Revision: Assemblies with the same name, major, and minor version numbers but different revisions are intended to be fully interchangeable. Usually, you would see “Minor Revisions Required” or “Major Revisions Required” if the journal wants you to revise your manuscript to address specific concerns raised by the editor/reviewers. A minor revision is a minor change to a document (e. 5. 1" would be "revision 1. 8 ± 11. Very, very few fail outright. , Apr 15, 2021 · The editor gave us a major revision again. 0 days (Major Revision) for third resubmissions. Agreed. Major revision usually changes more than 20% of the design. Bonus: Creates a variable based on the git revision number (like a subversion revision number). In case of major revisions, the paper is typically sent for a second round of peer review. [revision / 10000]. The following code example demonstrates the Version constructor, and the Major, Minor, Build, Revision, MajorRevision, and MinorRevision properties. The majority of articles require revision before reaching this stage. minor. I submitted the minor revision on the same day, status was with editor for 6 days but now its two weeks the 'Major revisions' is one of the most common peer review decisions. Jan 5, 2021 · If you think the issues with the manuscript can be fixed, the authors should be given the chance to do a revision - if those are major issues, or a large number of issues, then a major revision. If the initial revision was a major revision, there may be another round of major/minor revision requested on resubmission. In the case of minor revisions, your research supervisor will withhold their signature from the Doctoral Dissertation Approval form at the end of the defence; they will sign the form after checking that the required revisions have been completed. If an editor thinks authors need more time than a major revision decision would allow, they should use the “revise and resubmit” option. The revised manuscript will days (Minor Revision) and 73. a minor change to "revision 1. For branding projects, ‘can it be more of a blue-green’ or ‘can the icon be a little smaller’ are minor revisions but ‘can I see another variation of the logo’ is a major revision. a) Minor corrections. org I think one important practical difference between minor and major revisions is the revising time granted to the authors. Conditional acceptance pending major revision: Once the article has been revised, it may be sent out for peer review again to the same or different reviewers. Apr 7, 2016 · The exact semantics of major or minor revisions will depend on the journal - at some journals, a minor revision will not be externally reviewed any more, while a major revision will. Whenever the minor number is incremented, the revision number is set to 0. The good news is that the comments were mainly suggestions for the lit review, offering citations to add and incorporate to strengthen the article. At journals that distinguish between major and minor revisions, I take major to be the default R&R decision, with minor revisions being closer to a conditional acceptance. Build. English Editing Research Services. minor revision format, and personnel need only be concerned with the major portion. however, for minor revisions, the editor often does not feel the need to send the paper to external reviewers again. The important thing is that two different software versions with the same x should have binary compatibility. Nov 9, 2024 · By identifying major versus minor changes, engaging in open dialogue, and maintaining a proactive approach, teams can effectively manage the revision process. For this example, we’re going to create a system that uses uppercase alphabetical for major revisions, and numerical for a minor revision. Revision (C#) Major: I changed the API or UI in a big enough way that previous users will need to adapt. Feb 27, 2024 · I was really surprised by the 50% figure estimated for major revisions. This means I will literally be writing a new program of the same gender (example: access v1 - access v-2 - access v-3 * all the same program but completely rewritten). Aug 22, 2022 · It’s a judgement call, but it has to do with time and resources. Minor. maintenance[. major: For me is the current project I am working on. Revisions. 2) and was surprised to see not much has changed with the way it handles revisions. 1; Major minor patch e. build. What is the correct formulae to combine the major and minor revisions? Thanks Nov 14, 2013 · A good practice is to use 3 level revision numbers: x. Jul 13, 2021 · I got a major revision (one reviewer with minor while second almost rejected it) after submitting paper to renowned journal. The problems with “revise and resubmit as new” are the following: Acceptance with minor revisions. Then you will make an assembly with 2 parts. • Same or higher Major Revision • Minor Revision as follows: – If the Major Revision is the same, the Minor Revision must be the same or higher. 6. Major revision requires lots of work but it rarely requires to repeat an experiment. This requires more extensive revision than regular major revisions and the possibility of moving forward in the review process is lower than the manuscripts under regular major revisions. 65536 but the maximum value allowed for the Revision is 65535. The author of a manuscript which has received an accept with major revisions decision is to be congratulated, as the editors have concluded that the paper contains a publishable contribution when a list of specified revisions is successfully executed. Jun 8, 2021 · Accessing Version History. I never saw a journal defining its "major revision vs. 21 is misleading". However, my supervisor told me several times when submitting papers that there's no such thing as minor revisions anymore and everyone seems to always say major just because they can. Knowing how to respond to both minor and major revisions can greatly affect your chances of getting published. 3 Major revision , if there are major concerns about ethics, study design, reporting of results, generalizability of the findings, or composition of the manuscript; a revised manuscript may result in Nov 23, 2024 · The minor version number. ) whereby the first letter is major revision, second letter is minor revision, with the assumption that all rev A PCBs are interchangeable, all rev B PCBs are interchangeable, etc. Major revisions will have to be addressed by additional experiments. Furthermore, you can get inspired by sample peer Jun 7, 2022 · Making Minor Revisions. Build. Haupt Menu. Dec 19, 2019 · Once a revised paper is submitted, the editor can choose to send it for another round of peer review or review it himself/herself. – major vs minor vs revision isn't subjective, it is pretty straight forward. Examples. z. Aug 19, 2020 · Almost all students are given minor or major corrections - I'd say 90% fall into these categories. ” The reviewers left only one comment, and the editor said that the work was well received. The following code example demonstrates the Version constructor, and Major, Minor, Build, Revision, MajorRevision, and MinorRevision properties. We have revised the manuscript again responding to all the third reviewer highlighted points (some points are not responsible for that reason we submitted a rebuttal letter to the editor before sending the revision). Exemple: Files saved in version 3. Yes, characterizing revisions as "minor" strongly suggests that if you make those revisions the paper will be accepted. But for to make the major revisions is to make parts that become not backwards campatability. Usually version is split into major and minor verosion, hence small changes will change the minor version number and bigger changes will lead to a major change. Whilst I am happy to define a major change as anything affecting fit, form, or function, I'm not actually sure how to define a minor change other than as the Feb 18, 2020 · Comments: You seem to have received comments from two reviewers, one for a minor revision and the other for a major revision. 1. Jun 25, 2022 · Is it a major revision or a minor revision or a rejection (because it is already the third round of review)? Edit: The report from the referee is simple, it only asks about one of our figures because of some confusion from the referee's side. A minor revision is generally requested as a final step before acceptance. Many organizations use major revisions alone Nov 23, 2024 · Gets the high 16 bits of the revision number. – If the Major Revision is higher, the Minor Revision can be any number. First, we have to create our revision numbering components… Nov 12, 2020 · Even if it is a major revision, the due date is 24 November, which is 13 days ahead, quite bizarre for a "major revision". So when new part is compatible with exsisting already parts it is small revision but if not backward compatible then it became major. 5くらい)の日数をお見せします。 You can also charge different rates depending on the nature and extent of the revision, such as minor tweaks, major changes, or new concepts. fix. Editor sent it back with major revisions needed. Authors should consider this decision as major revision, and resubmit with asking for reviewer continuity and attaching an author response. revision (possibly because Microsoft used to only use 3 version places?). build makes the most sense to me. Oct 20, 2015 · Of course a decent chance is not 100%. On the other hand, I also had a minor revision, that in the end turned out to require a significant (>50%) rewriting of the paper that took quite some time; I'd definitely classify it as major revision. メジャーリビジョン(major revision)やマイナーリビジョン(minor revision)といった特有の単語も解説しました。 学術論文が採択されるまで何をしなければいけないか知りたいですか?投稿から採択までの全ての手順を説明しました。Nature, Scienceなどに投稿するなら Jan 18, 2012 · ===== Date Modified 18 Jan 2012 13:35:17 ===== Hey At my university. The new revision has the same content ID as the previous revision, but the native file and the metadata can be the same or different. NET WebForms application with standard versioning numbering in this format: [Major]. 9. Apr 1, 2010 · Minor revision, if the work has minor problems that once corrected should lead to acceptance for publication after satisfactory revision. For example, with Compatible Module, you can replace a ControlLogix digital Depends on the exact definition of "major revision" for that journal. Minor revision may undergo referee evaluation; however, in most cases, the editor accepts the paper without sending the revised manuscript to the reviewer. 2", and personnel are allowed to use May 20, 2015 · In the geosciences (geology, geophysics, physical geography, atmospheric sciences), “accept with minor revisions” and “accept subject to major revisions” are quite standard and prevalent, probably making up the majority of initial manuscript decisions. Revision: set to * which means they reflect the time it was built. Nov 11, 2014 · We have an ASP. x is the major y is the minor z are bug fixes. ca> Senior Windchill Administrator Com Dev May 11, 2018 · 一般而言,投稿到期刊,審稿完之後,下面是幾個常用的評審結果: accept accept pending on minor revisions minor revision major revision reject reject 還分成兩種,一種是desk reject,表示在editor這關就過不了,沒送外審;一種是外審之後,覺得品質未達到,所以拒絕。 現在有些期刊還加上了新的評審結果:reject After submitting, you will often receive feedback from peer reviewers. Outright acceptance of a journal paper is rare. Jun 17, 2020 · Other than the 20. Jun 9, 2019 · Hello all!By popular demand, here is a new ENOVIA Video dealing about Minor and Major Revisions in 3DExperience Release 19x. Apr 9, 2023 · I submitted an article to a certain top IEEE transaction journal, and after a year and a half of peer review, it was finally rejected. This is the outcome that all PhD candidates want (or no corrections!)! If people receive this outcome than supervisors send out congratulatory emails to everyone and refer to the PhD candidate as 'Dr so and so'. Slightly more in minor corrections probably. After that, you will implement the new revision in the assembly using product edition in ENOVIA collaborative lifecycle application. These are empirical cases and not subjective at all. Sep 16, 2010 · I would say that any change to a production drawing is a revision. As a peer reviewer, it is useful to learn about common reasons for a 'major revision' verdict. 'minor revisions' Source: The Philosophers' Cocoon Feb 8, 2019 · Major minor e. The authors analysed reviews of treatment for type II diabetes and concluded that doctors who rely on reviews may be misled. This change has occurred After months—sometimes years—of research, writing, and editing, you finally hit “submit” and begin the anxious wait for feedback. The paper was then sent to two new reviewers. In my field (medical applications of physics, let's say) minor revision (at the first revision) is purely theoretical. Never saw that happen. Rather, they represent an integral step in achieving the desired outcome. Personally I determine my version codes by multiplying each part by a factor: Major x 10,000 But "minor revision" means "if you do the listed revisions, and they don't meaningfully change the content of the paper, it'll be accepted". After submitting, you will often receive feedback from peer reviewers. It is best to refrain from indicating your recommendation in the comments made to the authors as the editor’s decision may not always be the same as your Jun 11, 2019 · First you will see how to enable the minor revision mode on the Web Dashboard with the Collaborative Spaces Control application. Revise and resubmit, however, is likely followed by a rejection. platform. The associate editor makes one of four recommendations for publication: accept, accept with minor revisions, major revisions required with no guarantee of acceptance, and reject. ) 이 논문의 경우 minor revision이기 때문에 대체로 까다롭지 않은 간단한 수정만해서 보내면 게재될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Unfortunately, the . Unless you have alternative build tools controling the build and revision number according to some other scheme I can see no real advantage to setting them manually. However, when I read the reviews, they seem very minor. Oct 20, 2014 · For reference, the product group's intent is to raise the major revision if the form, fit or function changes. The major and minor components are required; the build and revision components are optional, but the build component is required if the revision component is defined. There is still no guarantee of acceptance at this stage but the chances are certainly higher than at initial submission. A 16-bit signed integer. Major revisions are generally reserved for larger changes like actual modification to geometry, while smaller changes such as documentation updates or fixing the spelling on a drawing would generally be classified as a minor revision. I'd say maybe 40 were "minor revision. The editors of the Journal of Monetary Economics have concluded that your paper contains a contribution that is publishable when a small list of specified revisions is successfully executed. Depending on the extent of the minor revision, the editor may decide not to send it out for re-review. and major revision, yet is unsure of what the quality of the next revision would look like. In reality, the threshold is completely arbitrary and depends on reviewer/editor and what they had for lunch. However, they are worth a try. 1 days (Major Revision) and decreased with each subse- quent resubmission to 9. 0 ± 0. So I'm wondering which one this response is. 'minor revisions' Source: The Philosophers' Cocoon Oct 25, 2023 · A. It means that the peer reviewer considers a manuscript suitable for publication if the authors rectify some major shortcomings. Such revisions necessitate conceptual reorganization, proper judgment, and the investment of considerable time and serious effort by the author. In looking at their product structure I see they have been using minor revisions on parts and documents. 3 days (Minor Revision) and 27. So, focus Revision: Assemblies with the same name, major, and minor version numbers but different revisions are intended to be fully interchangeable. I remember the first time I got a major revision I sort of panicked too, but from my experience this is totally unnecessary! So congratulations, enjoy the moment and, go make that rebuttal! (We had four reviewers. Revision. Jan 8, 2013 · c) Hardware revision. Aug 3, 2023 · In case we need to get a Major and Minor revision on revise for the business users we would need to customize the entire revise functionality in that case? Probably give it as a drop down on revise page for a minor and manjor revision. Until 2003, Linux used odd-even versions (odd numbers are unstable, even numbers are stable). Basically, brush up and explain your methodology better and work on the conclusion about generalisability and so on. To access the version history of a file, page, or item, right-click on the document and click Version History. g. A minor revision will be uploaded as an approved document, immediately available to all appropriate employees. Examples of reviewer comments can help! Here you can find an overview of sample comments and examples for the most common review decisions: 'minor revisions', 'major revisions', 'revise and resubmit' and 'reject' decisions. revision(bug fixes). Mar 28, 2021 · Major revision. Thanks in advance. Though I have often considered a major/minor revision level system (e. Also, according to you, the major revision comments do not all seem to be valid or well-informed. Minor revisions can include many items within the paper that need to be revised, but typically not a major shift or addition to the paper. For software, it makes sense. 审稿决定“Major revision” 意味着你的论文有被接受的机会,但是审稿人要求做一些实质性的、重要的修改。 针对审稿人的审稿意见的修改预计肯定需要比“小修”和“大修”更长的时间,期刊编辑将允许提交修回论文更长的截止日期。 ماهي أنواع قرارات المجلة (Minor and Major Revision, and Types of Rejections) حينما نرسل بحثنا لها وما الذي يجري خلف ذلك من تفاصيل 3択 です。 (1)リジェクトされる。(2)もう一度メジャーリビジョン、(3)マイナーリビジョンです。 (1) リジェクトされる: リブッタルレターで質問に回答できておらず、今後やりとりしても改善されることはないなと判断されたということです。 May 7, 2010 · Major release number; Minor release number; Maintenance release number (bugfixes only) If used at all: build number (or source control revision number) 1. The corresponding author is responsible for submitting the revision. A minor revision is close to a contract to publish the paper if certain changes are made. Indeed, the author of an Jan 19, 2022 · Major revision. major: We increase this number when saved file from this build are no longer compatible with previous build. So, a review of your paper will generally indicate that you need to make either minor or major revisions. Clarification: Sep 14, 2023 · These changes, known as design revisions, range from minor adjustments like shifting colors to major transformations like layout overhauls. Sep 29, 2014 · Instances of this decision are also rather rare. As the author of a manuscript which has received an accept with minor revisions decision, you are to be congratulated. build]] (example: 1. Conclusion: Version Vs. In the revision block, you can state that you corrected spelling, and that there is no change to the as-fabricated part I do not recognize a difference between major and minor revisions on a fabricated part. To submit a revised manuscript to MDM, please complete the following steps: May 17, 2016 · Revision : Assemblies with the same name, major, and minor version numbers but different revisions are intended to be fully interchangeable. So, unless you are unlucky enough to have either or both of those you should only have one installation of each major rev. After submitting their manuscripts to academic journals, authors receive one of several editorial decisions: 'desk reject', 'revise and resubmit', 'major revisions', 'minor revisions', or 'paper accepted. Hope this was helpful :) Nov 8, 2015 · The scope of the journal is related to education. Minor revision = confident the authors can take care of any issues without the key findings changing, don't need to see manuscript again. Dec 8, 2019 · I am not sure if the initial revision requested was a major revision or a minor revision. If you think the issues cannot be fixed (or after fixing it would be in essence a new manuscript), then the manuscript should be rejected. Utility. Jul 29, 2009 · We decided to use the same convention, and due to the limitations of Windows version numbers we chose to drop the "micro" part of our version numbers in order to preserve the revision number. Even defining what the difference between a major and minor release is, is difficult. A writer might revise a paragraph to improve clarity or correct errors. Dec 26, 2024 · Revision: A revision, on the other hand, typically denotes minor changes made to a document without altering its core structure. 5249) Again, in these examples, the definition of what constitutes a "major" as opposed to a "minor" change is entirely subjective and up to the author, as is what defines a "build", or how a "revision" differs from a "minor" change. See full list on publishingsupport. Here are some tips for making minor revisions: Read your work aloud. Implies that the editors and reviewers feel the paper is publishable once their comments have been addressed. 'Minor revisions’ means that a manuscript only has to undergo small changes and improvements before it can be published in an academic journal. 03 part- when you install a newer minor revision it will overwrite the older minor rev of the same major rev. After submitting major revision, I got minor revision with only one comment from editor, while one reviewer accepted it (it was not sent to second reviewer). Dec 6, 2021 · This article details how to configure PDM Revisions Numbers to manage Major and Minor revisions. Typically authors are given a deadline for submitting revisions. THANKS!! Dec 6, 2022 · major. Aug 10, 2021 · The types of decisions provided after a peer review often depend on the journal. Of these, I estimate that five were rejected (either desk rejected or reviewed and rejected). Minor revision will be for documentation changes only to the drawing that defines the part. Sep 10, 2020 · the minor revisions being changed into major revisions is uncommon, but given the seemingly poor quality of the reviews it is understandable if the editor read the paper afterwards The papers I have reviewed myself that lack the basics such a motivation, conclusion and references always had many other problems and I have always had to recommend Mar 29, 2017 · A major revision goes back to reviewers, while the minor revision goes to the (associate) editor for a decision. Acceptance conditional on minor revisions means the editor is confident the revisions can be completed straightforwardly, while major revisions are always more of a gamble. Jan 10, 2023 · I have submitted a paper in IEEE TED, and got the decision - accepted with mandatory revision. However, it is good to remember that an ‘accept with minor revisions’ decision does not guarantee acceptance. 审稿决定“Major revision” 意味着你的论文有被接受的机会,但是审稿人要求做一些实质性的、重要的修改。针对审稿人的审稿意见的修改预计肯定需要比“小修”和“大修”更长的时间,期刊编辑将允许提交修回论文更长的截止日期。 Then you will make an assembly with 2 parts. This is the second round of revisions; two months ago, we received a “major revisions” decision with many detailed comments from the reviewers. Major Revision is great news! Pretty much everybody in the labs that I work in has major/minor revisions. This is a bad idea - the preferred way to do it is through proper version Jan 1, 2023 · For a minor revision, the editor may decide to send the revised manuscript to the peer reviewer for a final check or review the manuscript themselves if the changes were indeed minor. Minor Revision - A limited number of changes are required. ) I know that revisions, both major and minor, hint at a higher chance of acceptance. Apr 22, 2019 · @Buffy Almost every single journal instructs me to "apply highest standards" (or other similar wording), irrespective of its position in the journal pecking order. Another possible factor is that some publications may only allow one major What we used to do here is major. One of the new reviewers made several rounds of incorrect comments. Made it faster, fixed a bug, etc Only people affected by bugs or performance should notice. Oct 1, 2012 · To my experience, major revision in general leads to the acceptance of a manuscript reviewed and re-reviewed for several rounds. Sep 22, 2021 · How we define a design revision in Kontra. stewart@comdev. 3 reviewers were involved. Recruiting new reviewers to evaluate a minor revision is very non-standard. reject" policy. Typically, reviewers will be asked to select their recommendation from a list of recommendation types (i. Any changes NOT affecting relevant data would be a minor change (subject to relaxed control measures). Revisions are often tracked within the same version, providing a history of edits that can be reviewed. 7. revision. This would be appropriate to fix a security hole in a previously released assembly. So let’s round it up: Minor revisions imply a change of Basically, minor revisions were along the lines of "the variables in the main text in chapter 3 must be in italics" or "there's a typo on page 122" and "Figure 4. Nov 2, 2023 · Revisions typically focus on the details and quality of the content. Nov 5, 2012 · The associate editor has expertise in the field of holistic nursing research, education, practice, or aesthetics. If the major CRT's overlapping part conflicts with the minor CRT, such part of CRT should be better discussed in the minor CRT first. At others, the difference is less clear-cut and may simply reflect the editor's feeling of how many additional rounds of review may be necessary. Two were happy with my first round of revision; the third reviewer is the one who asked me to undertake another round of (major) revision. Does it mean Minor revision? Does the manuscript with this decision, go back to the original/new reviewers or the editor him/herself evaluate the manuscript? Kindly reply. Per CLIA, CAP, and Joint Commission rules, minor revisions to a document do not have to be approved by a user with a lab director permission. Blog For a review journal like The Lancet Neurology, it is rather worrying that the results of a cohort analysis published recently in the BMJ suggest that review articles are not as accurate and reliable as most clinicians think (BMJ 2003; 327: 266). Any change to actual relevant data would be a major revision change (subject to full control measures). Giving the best answer to this question is important because major revisions to studies that have been heard by the Full […] Sep 1, 2009 · I can then increment the Major and Minor version numbers as seems appropriate and let the default DateTime base build and revision be automatically set. major. These small changes can often make a big difference in the overall quality of your writing. accept–major May 5, 2016 · Provides an option to increment the minor number. It’s easier to define what elements are making up a revision than count per cent. fixing a typo or typographical changes). So, there is a conflict between the two reviewers regarding the number and kind of changes to be made in the article. Minor: I changed the internal behavior. new Version(major, minor, build, majorRevision | (minorRevision << 16) This results in 1. So if you want to make changes to the PS 6 version, you will make commits and create revisions on the way, but the version stays the same. Once something was called a major revision, but in my opinion it was minor - it took me only a few hours and the paper was accepted. Major revisions may require simply moving parts of the text around, or they may require the authors to reanalyze the data and rewrite the whole manuscript. I agree, minor revisions are entirely writing errors, while major revisions requires data reinterpretation. , accept, minor revision, major revision, reject and resubmit, and reject). 何日かは 論文誌や論文によって違うので、正確な数字は言えません 。 ただここでは例として、私が典型的だと思っている私の2つの論文(Nature communicationsとSensir and actuator IFは3. Jan 31, 2022 · This can be further broken down into major and minor revisions. One way to check this would be to look at time series data on submission and acceptance rates at selective journals. TYPES OF REVISION REVIEW • Minor revision means you will have to change a few things • Moderate revision means you will have to rewrite a few things, possibly sections, figures, provide more data, etc) • Major revision means you will have to adderess some fundamental shortcomings possibly doing additional research and certainly rewriting While the reviewers had explicitly mentioned that there were minor issues, with about four issues a piece, the editor had requested a major revision. " The remaining 40 fell into the "revise and resubmit" or "major revision" or some similar Peer-reviewing an academic manuscript is not an easy task. In that case, the editor could make a “Risky Revision” decision. Feb 27, 2024 · 'Major revisions' vs. Oct 29, 2016 · Calling w the version, x the major revision and y the minor revision is semantic versioning using change significance. This guide will help you understand how to handle these two types of revisions effectively. 2. Shared libraries in Solaris and Linux may use the current Mar 12, 2014 · So that what used to be minor revisions are now considered major revisions, and what used to be major revisions are now grounds for rejection. 0 would this be the first maintenance release to the 1. 7 ± 65. [revision % 10000], so the assemblies built from revision 65535 have the version 2. Jun 1, 2015 · To test the effect of inter-reviewer variability, we were interested in the comparison of just three pairs of reviewer recommendations, with the first member of the pair having more agreement between reviewers and the second member having less agreement between reviewers: (1) minor revision (agreement among the two reviewers) vs. In conclusion, version and revision are two concepts that are crucial in the development and management of web applications. Sep 14, 2023 · What is the difference between a major and a minor revision for a Content Server item? Each time that you check out a file and check it back in, Content Server creates a new revision of that file. Authors receiving a major revision decision are usually given a specific set of instructions or feedback from the reviewers and editors on what needs to be addressed. You will open the parts separately and perform a minor revision on the first part and a major revision on the second part. The number will not change until I start a new project of the same program name. I'm currently trying to write the supporting documentation but I've got stuck on defining the difference between a major change (new part number) and a minor change (new revision). [minor]. Version numbers consist of two to four components: major, minor, build, and revision. Just thinking back the past decade, I've had about 90 publication submissions. During this period, we got a chance to make minor revision. [Build]. 5535. Major revision; Minor revision; Accept; If after peer review a manuscript is considered potentially appropriate for PLOS Medicine, a major revision is generally requested. To sum up, “Revise and resubmit as new” can be considered as a “Serious Major Revision”. Editors may prefer not to explicitly say that the paper is "accepted with minor revisions", because authors may make "minor revisions" that don't correct the problems, and then feel that they've been promised publication in spite of that. That does indeed sound bizarre (even if journal timescales are very field-dependent). 1; Major minor patch + commitHash e. This feature should be seen by the user. y. Despite this, the third revision indicated that all his/her concerns were "fully addressed" in the first round of revision. Decision Types Accept - No further revision required. ' Learn what these editorial decisions precisely mean, and how to react. Sep 23, 2003 · So while the new part can be made to substitute on the old part it is a minor revision to make. If you review a manuscript and struggle to formulate your feedback to reflect a 'minor revisions' verdict, look no further: get inspired by explanations, sample comments and examples! Contents When to decide ProgramName version major. 01 vs 20. Administrative modification means a minor revision that includes minor changes to project/ project phase costs, minor changes to funding sources of previously-included projects, and minor changes to project/ project phase initiation dates. You fixed some bugs. Feb 22, 2021 · Whether a revised manuscript will be sent for another round of reviews is the sole decision of the handling editor; while it's virtually guaranteed for a major revision, it may or may not happen for a minor revision based on the specific comments, the responses to them, and how confident the editor feels about evaluating themselves whether the Jun 6, 2021 · Why is it important to distinguish between minor and major revisions? Question 3. The general example steps detailed below can be modified to This refers to the nature and scope of the revisions required by your examining committee. iop. e. Aug 30, 2010 · I am back at it again, this time with a new company. iopscience. Linux hasn't used that semantic versioning in a long time. When a paper receives a minor revision decision, it might not be sent for a second round of peer review; usually, the editor goes through the revisions and gives a final approval. 0 on the Revision Smart Form asks teams whether the revision they are submitting is a minor revision or a major revision. For example, a revision scheme that uses alphabetical major revisions and numeric minor revisions as shown here A-01, B-01, B-02, C-01… or any other combination of major or minor schemes. Our version numbers are now [major]. Minor revision might be a few weeks, major revisions might be a month or two. They might just not work out in principle, or the authors might not be capable of pulling them off. Maybe 8% get no corrections, and perhaps 1. I have setup a test environment with the latest version of Innovator (9. All defined components must be integers greater than or equal to 0. minor[. 0. This not only ensures that the project remains on track but also fosters a collaborative environment where both the client and the team can thrive. minor: We increase this number when a new feature has been added. Typically, editors would be more lenient on the revision time frame if they see a major revision recommendation from the reviewer. [Revision] Every build increases the build number, e. We came up with an easy definition that helps us differentiate between minor and major revisions. Personally, I consider revisions “easy”, regardless of whether the editor has classified the manuscript decision as “Major Revisions” versus “Minor Revisions”, if no additional experiments need to be performed. Contents Examples Sep 21, 2023 · If a major CRT has contents which overlaps an ongoing minor CRT, then the links to both CRTs should be provided in the replies of said CRTs. Oct 31, 2016 · I'm using the following code to combine the major and minor revisions. Whenever the major number is incremented, the minor and revision numbers are set to 0. A higher revision number might be used in a build that fixes a security hole in a previously released assembly. However, changing a short text phrase here and there is usually considered a minor revision. If this is right, is it really the case that close to half of R&R papers are ultimately rejected? Mar 12, 2021 · A publication accepting an article in its current form with no revisions is very rare. 01. [Minor]. 1+a2b3c4d5; Or any other format as defined in Semantic Versioning; The versionCode, however, must remain an integer which must be greater than the previous version. Major versions use sequential numbering when you make changes to the content (document, item, page, etc. When you’re editing your work, it’s important to make sure that you’re not only fixing major errors but also making minor revisions. For example = A-01, B-01, C-01, C-02, C-03 etc. 3. Some like to use an alphanumeric code (e. Then, the email arrives, and… Feb 27, 2024 · 'Major revisions' vs. . Whatever you choose, make sure you include it in your I use Major. An administ rative modification is a revision that does not Nov 21, 2022 · After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Eugene Stewart< ">mailto:eugene. Major revision = key findings may or may not be different and/or critiques may or may not be successfully addressed, would need to see manuscript again to be certain. Authors of manuscripts with a Minor Revision or a Major Revision decision are invited to submit their revised work through ScholarOne Manuscripts as a revision. 0 won't be compatible with version 2. What's the difference between a minor and major revision? Response: A minor revision often implies that there are a limited number of changes that are needed to improve the manuscript for publication. Major Versions. The manuscript is publishable in its current form. 5% are asked to resubmit. Acceptance with major revisions. Overall, minor changes that don't really affect your thesis. Major revisions are for when you've done something seriously wrong on a large scale, and the committee needs it to be fixed, but they don't anticipate it changing your overall results, and thus they feel it's possible for you to just rewrite portions of your work but not have to go through another defense. It says “minor revisions”, but doesn’t explicitly say “accepted with minor revisions. If the initial revision was a minor revision, the status usually changes to ‘With Editor’ or ‘Decision in Progress’. Feb 19, 2023 · Versions are typically used to differentiate between major changes in a product, while revisions are used to describe minor changes. NET Version type is defined as major.