Qml text center. Qt/QML: Text with inline QML elements.

Qml text center CheckBox { text: "Check Me" } QML Rowlayout how to center text fields. implicitHeight contentWidth: width ColumnLayout { id:outer Well there is no built-in way but I found a workaround to do it. text visible: false I am looking for a way to align text in a QCheckBox to both the right and left side. This helps to understand the flow of how these elements are all built. When we are dealing with a multi-line text in QML an important issue is how text is wrapped. width Text { text: "1"; If you want to center an item into another item both vertically and horizontally, use I' trying to use a TextField object. Controls 2. For example, I have a list of words (FRENCH, ENGLISH, Qt/QML: Text with inline QML elements. 11 import QtQuick. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 1 month ago. WordWrap font. If a try to centerIn: parent in one of the Rows, it works, but as I have 4 Rows, it break the layout. overlay-layer, and reuse this all the time, but then you are limited to one Dialog at a time. Column { width: parent. Modified 6 days ago. If I use the paintedWidth & paintedHeight properties, I don't get it. top anchors. Add a comment | How to align the text to center of cells in a QTableWidget. width text: '-' onClicked: { testRect. letterSpacing: 20 } } Without letter spacing, the text is centered, otherwise it's not. how can i achieve that? currently i am assigning anchors. fill: parent if you want to put Row item in the center of its parent. I understand the "width" property must be set implicitly for elide to work. horizontalCenter y: 570 } } Currently, the Text will be centered based on the whole length of the string. centerIn: parent } } The problem here is that you are trying to place ListView delegates according to your needs. Viewed 33 times 0 I need to display year, month and day in separate fields. 4. horizontalCenter: In QML how can I have a text input box that automatically converts the inputted text to all capitals? The following doesn't work: TextField { id: myfield objectName: "myfield" QML: Center variable text and image. pointSize: 12 height:15 width:30 } I need to position rotated Text elements relative to a rectangle. text font. Basically, you don't need to use MouseArea for this. Even with verticalAlignment: Text. It's sufficient to change the values of the inner-members of the font member of TextField to make the changes you want to see. The only thing I'd mention is that it's not common to use setters in QML; some systems (I believe they're called property interceptors) even rely on properties being set to perform animations, for example. That's plain wrong since the ListView (much like all the other views) is meant to do that for you, according to the ListView size. cpp (qt). Say the grid fills the entire window with a margin of 50, and has four items. E. What should I do to make it centered correctly? Code: @ Text {id: label text: toplevel. horizontalCenter on the same RowLayout. You either want to anchor to all the sides with anchors. Not sure what I should put in. transformOrigin property holds the origin point around which scale and rotation transform. width text: parent. The reason it's not working exactly as intended is that some And you need to reparent and reposition the Item everytime Otherwise your Dialog won't be in the top layer. topMargin: 50 Layout. Very As you can see, the Text element is centered correctly (its dimensions are shown by the black frame), but the real text inside it is painted a bit left. horizontalCenter to each of your text items and add width: parent. 2 ApplicationW I am trying to place a text exactly in the center of a circle in Qml: Rectangle { id: rect width: 20 height: 20 radius: width/2 color: "red" anchors. The problem with the following code, the text is not in the center it's shifted up for some reason and I try many different ways like anchors the background rectangle to fit the parent and it not work, I'm a complete newbie to QML and QT, forgive me if this is a trivial question. left height: parent. import QtQuick. Is there any good way to center the image in the FlickArea window? For the purposes of making this example simpler I replaced my PDF image with a Rectangle. Here an example: import QtQuick 2. Improve this answer. 9" anchors. horizontalCenter). replied to I would like to display only the two first characters of a word in a Text item. It takes several enumerated values. How to show the content in the center in qml? 1. I can at least manage the output using rowlayout and text fields. pixelSize: 22 font . AlignVCenter. Follow edited Aug 29, 2019 at 0:20. but that is a good idea, @SteakOverflow. Here is an example which might do what you want: You can use the properties of Text to change the appearance of the text as desired: Label { text : "Hello world" font . I also tried allign the text at the centre and then apply vertical layout but doesn't work. I guess it should be height: QML text not in the center of TextField, when creating a rounded TextField. & make myFunction global by declaring it in its root (i. QML Text alignment in RowLayout with ColLayout. centerIn:parent but when i use this on second element, the first element gets override by the 2nd element. horizontalCenter: parent. EDIT. cpp, then do as @Amfasis suggests and expose qt to the QML code in a context property. The ListView will always use all the available space, resulting in the delegates all positioned to the left, as you experienced. L. fill: parent rows: 1 Text{ text I am attempting to make a PDF viewer inside of a Flickable in QML. width: 210 source: "lock. I'm trying to center Column in its parent element (a Page element), but it doesn't work. But the text is appearing below the desired point, rather than centered over it. For me content* or painted* properties served the purpose and, as of Qt 5. Layouts 1. How to center dialog on screen in QtQuick Controls 2? 9. leftMargin and anchors. Ok, you are trying to place your Row to fill the parent (anchors. Spring Hill Recovery Center is located in western (312) 420-8605 - Remodeled 2 BD in Chatham Neighborhood - Spacious 2 bedroom remodeled apartment available now. RichText. Hook activeFocus to decide when to select the text (on initial click, activeFocus will become true), store the old text, and restore it when editing is finished if escape was pressed. capitalization: Font. You have to define the Text element I would like to get the real width & height of a Text element. . AlignTop | Qt. Controls 1. Hot Network Questions Is decomposability of integer polynomials over the rational numbers an undecidable problem? PHP7. pointSize is used. I tried QCheckBox { text-align: center; }, but didn't work ( I mean didn't have an impact, I know "center" is not what I'm looking for here) – madasionka. 4,362 2 2 gold badges 18 18 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 4 months ago. 4 QML: Center variable text and image. How can i set text align from bottom to top in qml? 0. fill: parent Text { id: centerText text: "6. function drawString(text, x, y, font) { var ctx = getContext("2d"); ctx. 215 y: 96 sourceSize. n] proportionally to their parent wrapper, and draw the ComboBox element QML: Center variable text and image. That just doesn't work together. It doesn't depend on font. 12, they seem to work fine. Vertically align two Text QML types with different font. width onHtmlTextChanged: {elide();} onWidthChanged: elide();//Yes, this will be TextField QML Type. Center. AlignRight anchors. I am using some QML controls like GroupBox and CheckBox which have text associated with them. QQuickPaintedItem is not aligned You need to access alias using the control's id. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 11 months ago. pixelSize: 20 font. 17. Why make centerIn: parent works for Column? Theres another ways to center this? QML: Center variable text and image. WordWrap } Text { id: dummy_text text: parent. The only issue is that the content (icon + text) is always left-aligned. Related questions. 1 Window { visible: true width: 360 height: 360 Text { text: qsTr("Hello World") anchors. Then you can remove the You used anchors. Aka the following two solutions generate the correct visual How to align the radio button text to the vertically center in QML. This displays exactly the same compared to leaving out the style attribute. These items don't have a color property so I'm not sure what to do. 15. Modified 1 year, 4 months ago. Single-line text input field. family: "helvetica" font. How to transform the center of a QQuickItem to a new center. pro file. zoom) } Using the font member of TextField. eiilpux20 eiilpux20. There is a bug open on the Qt bug tracker, and after the first reply there is a possible solution, that I copy and paste here for an easy read:. How can i set text align from bottom to top in qml? 3. How to align QML components in a delegate. That's why the timer never triggers an update. I'm making a vehicle's instrument cluster in QML and wanted to align the speed labels to the curve in such a way that they are all the same distance away from it. " (of the text, so it stays in the right place). I would like to display only the two first characters of a word in a Text item. This can be done by using the standard QML Text type. 9. It's working fine, but I can't seem to set the vertical alignment of the text within the object so it's centered. baselineOffset ?? i am confused !! ex: Text{id As @Amfasis mentioned, the PageTest instantiated in QML (pp) is not the same instance as the qml_test instantiated in . Several properties can be set on the Text item to style the entire block of text. There are seven anchor lines for each item: left, right, vertical center, top, bottom, baseline and horizontal center. Does QML use another (even tinier) HTML engine? I already found out that images are only supported in the "rich text" mode (there also is the "styled text" mode which doesn't support images but other HTML tags like <b> and <i>). WordWrap as it is done in our text component example. fill: parent interactive: true contentHeight: outer. Modified 3 currently I am trying to get into QML for a future software project. text font: parent. py that result from Replace 2. overlay. So pp never has init() called. Multi-line centered text in svg rendered in qt. In below code example two Rectangles share additional space instead stack one after another. I'm trying to write simple QML application, which will consist of many repeated elements, organized in rows. Indeed Text doesn't support elide for Text. Center text in the middle of Path shape Android. Now, in the bottom part of Item there is QML TextInput field, named ueKeypadPinFieldField as seen from code of UeKeypad:. GridLayout In QML how can I have a text input box that automatically converts the inputted text to all capitals? The following doesn't work: TextField { id: myfield objectName: "myfield" font. Exactly, I need all the code needed to reproduce the problem, so I can analyze where the problem is and probably give you a solution. Or else i need to make the text to fit into the parent. Hot Network Questions Why is there no AES-512 for CTR & variants to have good large nonces? A SAT question about SAT property QML: Center variable text and image. Scott Johnson. Because of that, it's better to use Dielson's answer. ui and . Here's example code: import QtQuick 2. width Here is my qml code: ApplicationWindow { id: root visible: true width: 640 height: 640 title: qsTr("Your Booking") GridLayout{ Skip to main content This statement would make your item stay exactly in the center of your layout. Button { contentItem: Text { text: parent. To enable QML Styling and add the Material theme add QT += quickcontrols2 to your . I'm using the following code to center-align the text in a TextField. The default transform origin is Item. How to center a picture using html source in RichText of QML? 1. 3 import ". Column { Text { text: "1" } Text { text: "2" } } Regards, James A. To do this, I used pathview to set up an arc, then used the text delegate to have the text appear in the right places. Haven't been able to figure out what I'm missing. 1 under Windows MSVC2010 OpenGL). fill: parent or you want to center it horizontal with anchors. pointSize: 14 font. fill and anchors. 1. answered Dec 6, 2020 at 15:12. However, I have these items on a dark background and would prefer using white for the text color. If you want to create the instance in . To display text in QML, create a Text item and set the text property to the text you wish to display. So i need to show these element on center of the device. My recommendation is that you make a copy of your project and remove the unnecessary code: regex, databases, etc. fill: parent) and at the same time to center in inside the parent (anchors. How to Center Text inside an SVG Path. We can see that Text inherits from an Item, and Label inherits from Text:. 15 import QtQuick. font = font; ctx. Also, since a Flow automatically positions its children, a child item within a Flow should not set its x or y positions or anchor itself with any of As mentioned by Alexander, this binding can result in weird resizing behaviour. alignment: Qt. 1. a C++ type exposed to QML. More Import Statement: import QtQuick. AlignLeft } Text. The idea is simple, since Flow is already an Item it has anchors. How can I do this? Here is my qml: import QtQuick 2. italic: true } See also Customizing Label . List of all members, including inherited members; Properties. Improve this question. Sorry if this question is simple but I am reviewing the official documentation on how to set up a GridLayout with Buttons, Text, GroupBox and a ProgressBar in QML. I am using QtQuick 2. Trouble centre-aligning items within a QtQuick StackLayout. fillText(qsTr(text), x, . The middle item is a PlayerSelector, which creates a varying number of text edit boxes to change the name of each player. I got a small application running and wanted to make a true text: qsTr("Show Sidebar") // leftPadding: 0 indicator: Rectangle { implicitHeight: 26 implicitWidth: 26 x: parent. aliasname. These include color, font family, font size, bold and italic. I am trying to create a simple window in QML with a huge text area in the center and a couple of buttons at the bottom, bellow is the code. 0 ComboBox { id: comboCategories width: 230 height: 30 style: ComboBoxStyle { background: Rectangle { id: rectCategory width: comboCategories. 1 Rectangle { width: 100 height: 20 GridLayout { clip: true anchors. When I use centerAt: parent, it works, but the left-most side of the grid begins drawing from the center, when I actually want them to draw evenly from the center: *Also, it would be helpful around some suggestions on how to format my QML to "scale" the rectangles [1. 1 always on screen top but it is on I am trying to create a simple window in QML with a huge text area in the center and a couple of buttons at the bottom, bellow is the code. 12 Flickable { property int margins: 10 anchors. import QtQuick 2. Text. 0 import QtQuick. 2 QML: Center variable text and image. I try to center text with non-default letterSpacing: @ import QtQuick 2. For what is worth I've never ever had the need to use metrics in QML. It's like QML ignores style attributes. Controls. qml using Row to align components in the center. I also used horizontal spacer with qlabel text and set them to horizontal layout, then adding horizontal layout and image display label in vertical layout but nothing seems to work. QML Layout. Label extends Text with styling and font inheritance. baseline to (y = 40) which is a line parallel to x axis at a height of 40 on which i want my text item to sit. Lines you don't longer need are marked with //REMOVED. The one that works for me causes a runtime warning, I can center the text ok, the issue is the overall placement of the grid itself. Centering one item horizontally in a Row in Qt. 4 ListView { id : menuButtonslayout anchors. , but that even your code is workable, and then edit your question and add all the . However, I have a Text element in a Layout. AllUpperCase . Just remove anchors. 0. QML: Center variable text and image. The content (icon + text, marked as a red box in the screenshot), should be center in the button (indicated by the blue box). How to align items in RowLayout. height / 2 - In the QML below, I have three items in a row layout with each item needing to be centered vertically in that layout. log(testRect. FixedSize (default) - The size specified by font. So if we can calculate, how many elements is inside the row of theFlow then we are able to calculate the left and right margins. rightMargin. QComboBox{ text-align: center; } Share. Note that the color is provided by the TextField itself, not the font type. 1 console. width to Column. CheckBox { text: "Check Me" } currently I am trying to get into QML for a future software project. Quiet, well maintained building in Chatham neighborhood. 12 Window { id: mainWindow width: 500 height: 300 visible: true title: qsTr("Hello World The Label actually IS the size of your font. verticalCenter: parent. I want to align different Texts in RowLayout like bellow image And here is my code Rectangle { id:root anchors. Under Inherits you can always find from where that type inherits if it does. /items" Item { id: ueKeypad property string ueParamWorkerImage property string Lets say i have rectangular box 100x200 size and i want to place text item on baseline (y= 40). Also you should set height of the Row. AlignLeft in RowLayout level and Rectangle level, but non of those two ways didn't change the view at all. I don't exactly know the reasoning behind this but if I wrap my Text element in an Item then I can properly . and what is the use of anchors. The three vertical anchor lines can be anchored to any of the three vertical anchor lines of another item, and the four horizontal anchor lines can be anchored to the horizontal anchor lines of another So you are probably talking about Quick Controls 2 Label and Quick Control 2 Text. Why does a rod move faster when struck at the center rather than the edge, qml text in rectangle position bug #442. Page in this case), if it is being used in multiple slots like this: You can use the properties of Text to change the appearance of the text as desired: Label { text : "Hello world" font . horizontalCenter color: "#646464" text: qsTr("Unlock your Anchors. Material 2. foreground: "red" } This button's text will be in red and others will follow Material Style coloring. pixelSize or font. 1") anchors. Using both at the same time is contradicting. TextEdit { property string htmlText: "<b>"+workingText. 2 Centering Item without using anchors. But Rows respond to this, instead my Column. left: parent. I used Layout. I think this gets you a good part of the way to what you want: import QtQuick 2. 6 TextInput { text: "Hello world!" I am new to Qt & QML. left: As you can see, the Text element is centered correctly (its dimensions are shown by the black frame), but the real text inside it is painted a bit left. Effective! I want to set the right alignment for the wrapped text. 12 import QtQuick. The ascent is the distance from the baseline to the top of the tallest character, and the descent is the distance from the baseline to the bottom of the lowest character. Please let me change UeCentralWidget and use a Rectangle instead. Share. Hi there i am working on a mobile application using qml, it has different icon, buttons,labels,text etc. bottom anchors. horizontalCenter and width: number_text. For example: Rectangle { color: "green QML: Center variable text and image. height / 2 - As @Amfasis mentioned, the PageTest instantiated in QML (pp) is not the same instance as the qml_test instantiated in . VerticalFit - The largest size up to the size specified that fits the height of the item is used. Here's the qml I'm using, and a snapshot of the result. For example you may use Text. Use QML Text element property wrapMode. Maybe there are different ways to solve this, but the simplest way I know is to set implicitWidth and implicitHeight once UeCentralWidget is completely loaded. Window 2. I have TextInput item with a signal defined in a qml file like below: import QtQuick 2. A text field in its normal state. Fonts have a concept of an ascent and descent above and below the baseline. centerIn: parent font. I am trying to centre align the text fields Under QML Column as shown below , but the text fields are always left aligned. width - 35 y: parent. 2 import QtQuick. M 1 Reply Last reply . This example rotates an image around its bottom-right corner. Qt Quick 2 Qml: Place text exactly in center of circle. The Text item will now display that text. Markkyboy. Viewed 1k times 0 . replied to The Flow item automatically positions the child Text items side by side, wrapping as necessary:. alignment not behaving as expected. I adapted the your code and marked new lines with //ADDED. And then counter-rotate is exploiting that "The default transform origin is Item. The TextField type itself has a member font which contains an instance of the QML basic type font. 7 import QtQuick. M Offline. width (of the wrapper Item) gets the center of the text in the right place. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 2 months ago. You have to define the Text element rotation property holds the rotation of the item in degrees clockwise around its transformOrigin. Nine transform origins are available, as shown in the image below. What's the correct way to tell Qt that the x and y must Add anchors. e. text+"</b>" text: htmlText width: parent. horizontalCenter. 1,849 2 2 So the anchors. 1 Window { visible: true width: 160 height: 60 Text { text: qsTr("Hello\nWorld World2 World3") horizontalAlignment: Text. I've tried two different ways to keep the PlayerSelector vertically centered. fillWidth: true text: "Vivamus pulvinar neque sit amet tellus ultrices, sit amet tempor diam mollis" wrapMode: Text. 42. 5. pixelSize values. A text field that is disabled. 640 height: 480 visible: true // Used as an example of a backend - this would usually be // e. AlignHCenter Layout. So i want my application to fit in every screen size. pixelSize: 12 } } 0. Why does a rod move faster when struck at the center rather than the edge, How can I make the images get aligned from the center out? qt; qml; qt5; qt-quick; Share. Item { RowLayout { anchors. Only qt does. Follow edited Nov 6 at 16:35. 2. Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 13 The buttons are set to display icon + text based on an assigned default QAction. I am trying to center text in a QML application using the following: import QtQuick 2. I think you just want to put text on your screen as an overlay. Styles 1. QML and Qt Quick; How to center text in Label? QtWS: Super Early Bird Tickets Available! How to center text in Label? Label { Layout. fill: parent spacing: 2 Rectangle { width: 100 I am trying to centre align the text fields Under QML Column as shown below , but the text fields are always left aligned. Centering text in SVG path. 4. height * 0. What is the best way to get the individual fields closer together without setting fixed Displaying and Formatting Text. centerIn: parent. You could, ofc create one Item in the ApplicationWindow. I have used anchor. Closed 0 Text { id: text1 text: qsTr("0. g. The long "lock. I am working on QML PIN entry Item as seen in the following screenshot:. The text you're using just doesn't show it. But I Here is a way I'm using ToolButton as a delegate : import QtQuick 2. The layout I am trying to achieve is the following below: I want to align Rectangles in a RowLayout left to right. AlignVCenter horizontalAlignment: Text. 75 width: parent. Positioning text a center of Layout. How do I align my qml component properly? 1. Farhad. AlignRight text: "text\ntext" I will get wrapped text but aligned to right "bef If you agree with me that start/end is more clear for brain to process, this is what you can do in your qml: readonly property int text_ElideStart: Text. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat" //text: "a short string" Text { id: text_field anchors. 1 Qt Quick 2 Qml: Place text exactly in center of circle If you want left-aligned text, just use the contentItem to create a Text object that looks the way you want it. For drawing the text I use a Canvas with a Context2D, which looks roughly like this:. The next code works fine because we set the properties once the full QML environment has been established. 5 import QtQuick. fill: parent color: "black QML Text alignment in RowLayout with ColLayout. There is a fixed gap of 50 on the left side of the grid, but the space on the right is variable dependant on how many items flow across the screen. 4 TextInput { text: "Text" cursorVisible: true signal qmlSignal(string msg) } I also have a slot tied to the qmlSignal. TextField { placeholderText: I am trying to make a vertically-flickable Flickable of GroupBoxes with long wrapped text elements. Then you can remove the When we are dealing with a multi-line text in QML an important issue is how text is wrapped. 4 ldap broken on focal after 13 dec 2024 UUID v7 Implementation You can use the properties of Text to change the appearance of the text as desired: Label { text : "Hello world" font . WordWrap horizontalAlignment: Text. Have a look at this SO post. A text field that has active focus. font horizontalAlignment : Text. I am new to Qt-QML. text wrapMode: Text. pixelSize: toplevel. How do I achieve it. Align text and image vertically in QML Text when using html tag with given height and width I want to align text to the center of rectangle if the length of the string is less. Ideally the parent of the Dialog is ApplicationWindow. ElideLeft readonly property int text_ElideEnd: Text. A text2D Entity is aimed at putting text into your 3D scene (like putting some text tags on specific objects). 2. The Item type provides the abilitiy to anchor to other Item types. 21 1 1 bronze badge. ElideRight Text { width: 40 elide: text_ElideEnd text: "الخطوة" } I have trouble getting text justified in QML (Qt 5. If I set: wrapMode: Text. qml, . Vertical Text Orientation in QML. Vertical align image with text with same size. When you open another one, with a different size, I've got a simple Text QML type: Item { anchors. AAEM. 12 Button { id: goToParenFolder text: "Hi" flat: true Material. I am using Qt designer. In this mode the text is wrapped on words boundaries. height width: parent. /items" Item { id: ueKeypad property string ueParamWorkerImage property string I am trying to code a text editor from scratch in C++ using Qt/QML. 12 with your version of QML. Modified 2 years, 11 months ago. svg" } Text { id: element y: 364 anchors. Follow edited Oct 31, 2017 at 17:32. top: parent. Windows、Mac、Android、iOSで動作するQMLを書いていて、フォントの違いによるレイアウト調整が面倒だったのでメモを残しておきます。 #Textの枠の中央に文字を配置する height、widthで設定した領域のうち、どこに文字を配置するかの指定方法。 I' trying to use a TextField object. 12 Replace 2. TextField{ id:myTextFieldID font. How can I use elide in a Text type when it is in a GridLayout?. 1 Justifying multi-line text in QML Text element. An editable combo box auto-completes its text based on what is available in the model. This does work for the placeholder text, but the entered text isn't center-aligned. QML and Qt Quick [solved] Center Text with letterSpacing; QtWS: Super Early Bird Tickets Available! [solved] Center Text with letterSpacing. PyQt TableView align Icons to Center. AlignHCenter font. pro The short version I'd like to horizontally and/or vertically center groups of QML widgets without being forced to align them in a structured layout. I would like to truncate the text when it gets too long. fillStyle = "black"; ctx. The default color of the text is black. Here's the qml I'm using, and a Inpatient rehab centers in Chicago offer mental health and behavioral health treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. If an item within a Flow is not visible, or if it has a width or height of 0, the item will not be laid out and it will not be visible within the Flow. zoom -= 0. CheckBox { text: "Check Me" } I'd like to horizontally and/or vertically center groups of QML widgets without being forced to align them in a structured layout. So we can center in. HorizontalFit - The largest size up to the size specified that fits within the width of the item without wrapping is used. The following example demonstrates appending content to an editable combo box by reacting to the accepted signal. Controls: Inherits: TextInput. Closed t2dk49580 opened this issue Oct 29, 2018 · 2 comments · Fixed by #444. height: 210 sourceSize. 4,181 8 8 QML Text alignment in RowLayout with ColLayout. pixelSize I have this QML code, but I need to center horizontally Text and Rectangle, how can I do it? Can it be done somehow except settimg horizontal alignment for both of them< can I write some dtyle that will be applied to all children of column element? Can I also set some styles to Column that will make automatical vertical spaces between my elements? Join Date Jan 2006 Location Graz, Austria Posts 8,416 Thanks 37 Thanked 1,544 Times in 1,494 Posts Qt products Platforms QML: Center variable text and image. top : menuHeader. I am trying to implement the radio But text always gets allign to the left. fill: parent verticalAlignment: Text. eqrkys fuj hwle jpja lhxsyi jcqk aetjks zkzmiit olafve zhivfcn